Today is Twitter’s 16th Birthday — Here are 3 areas where the “Monopoly on Current Affairs” Giant Should Capitalize On to grow 100X

Shorjoe Bhattacharya
2 min readMar 21, 2022


March 21, 2022, marks the 16th birthday of Twitter. It has come on quite a journey to build an engine around opinions, insight, and the intersection of ideas.

Twitter is the natural platform to test ideas and to create immediate feedback loops for them. This combination has positioned it to be a tornado of information with one of the brightest futures.

Here are the 3 areas it should continue to build on:

Twitter continues to grow as a natural monopoly in the current events space

Being first to report current events is a way to draw in users like no other. No other platform has the speed and view from a diverse set of actors as quickly as Twitter does. This makes Twitter a whirlwind of information which makes it a fascinating place to have a multidimensional view of the world.

The story of this multidimensional view needs to be shared with more people through graph databases.

A complete “people’s opinion” search engine

No other platform is such a formidable searcher of people’s views as Twitter. Tools such as webhooks, lists, and web-hooks have made it possible to track the exact keywords from people the moment they say them.

Twitter can use this view on the intersection of ideas to derive many new lines of businesses that thousands of entrepreneurs could start all around the world.

Merger with Pinterest to Create a Super Search Engine

Pinterest is the visual search engine and Twitter is the engine to search for people’s opinions.

Imagine a combination of these two search engines coming together where one can find the latest views of people and connect them with the visual search for inspiration.

This could be a combination of getting insightful knowledge then using Pinterest search to find a path to take action on insight.

This post was created with Typeshare



Shorjoe Bhattacharya

Tech History Nerd |Unpacks Transformative Tech Trends| Global-View 6+ years in Tech & Logistics in US/India/China